
Tuesday 10 December 2013

Scifi for the Japanese earthquake, tsunami & nuclear disaster

Why was the footage, shot by NHK (Japan Nation Broadcast station), of the UFO hovering over the Fukushima nuclear power plant never released to the world public?

Why was there never any footage of the number 4 reactor building explosion  released - especially when every TV station in Japan had there cameras on it in broad daylight?

The more I delved into Japanese nuclear disaster, the more I uncovered. In 1985, thousands of people witnessed a UFO hovering over the crippled Chernobyl reactor.  Witnesses reported a crimson beam shone from the UFO over the damaged reactor – subsequently the radiation level dropped by 80% preventing a nuclear explosion and saving Europe from nuclear catastrophe.

These events sound like the setting from Doctor Who or Star Trek. Believe it or not, there actually was a UFO caught on film by NHK, but it was only broadcast on one German media station.  In the weeks leading up to the earthquake there were numerous reports of UFOs over Fukushima, as were there before the earthquakes in Haiti, Chile, NZ and Indonesia. And just out interest Fukushima hosts a UFO museum, which was established after sightings of a UFO on Mt. Sengamori in the early 1970s – the mountain is known as Japan’s Roswell.

Living just 100 kilometers from Fukushima, I witness the cover-ups and the outright lies the Japanese government and the power company propagated to the world. I evacuated straight after the first reactor exploded. I was expecting a mass exodus, but people simply said that the government had reassured them that there was nothing to worry about. I tried to explain to them that the government may say that now, but in a year they will probably say – Whoops! We made a mistake and there was a greater release of radiation than we thought. Well, have a guess what happened? Yes – Whoops!

As a Scifi writer I knew it was my responsibility to write about what happened in Japan and the still ongoing situation.  So the UFO sightings gave me a base from where to start, but I needed more. I needed to show what the people had really gone through. Just weeks after the disaster, I was involved in supply runs to a town that was hit by the tsunami. When I arrive at the town of Otsuchi it looked like the aftermath of Hiroshima – the town had been virtually erased off the face of the earth.  But the people shone like beckons of hope. Even though they had lost everything, they hadn’t lost their dignity or courteousness. After we unloaded the supplies, my wife spontaneously began to sing – everybody stood in awe as her angelic voice rafted through the muddy broken house. When my wife finished a woman went over and hugged her – tears spilled from the woman’s eyes as she sobbed her gratitude. Another day, I went to interview a fisherman who was living in temporary housing. As soon as I arrived his wife put whatever food they had on the table. I tried to explain I was the relief worker but she just laughed it off. When I left I asked if they needed anything. They said they didn’t have toaster. I said that I’d see what I could do.

I met people from all walks of life, fishermen, housewives, school kids, surfers, politicians, shop owners and the elderly. I listened to their tales of tragedy, survival, loss as well as heroism, hope, gratitude, love and their determination. How they’d prevailed against overwhelming odds.

I write about crazy characters and heroes, but the real heroes I found were in the town of Otsuchi and that's where Fukushima, the Secret, a Scifi story based on fact and real people is placed.

Before I left Otsuchi I went back to the fisherman and presented him with a toaster. His gleam of gratitude showed me that us human are special in the universe.

Peace and happiness to all in the cosmos.

Click book to buy on Amazon

Click book to buy on Amazon
Sci-Fi Amazon Bestseller. Book one of trilogy. Book 2 out March 2015.